Thing 24: Infographics

I’m exhausted! A few days ago, I started investigating and researching using the resources provided including watching Kathy Schrock’s video and reading about the ten traits of amazing infographics and already had experience with them. But what infographics rely most heavily on is the “perfectionism” and “stick-with-it-ness” that must go with putting together an amazing one. Students, if not invested or motivated, might be unsuccessful because there is an element of perseverance. Now, my infographic is nothing special, just some library data that’s useful for users to know, but it still took me over an hour to collect, then brainstorm it visually, because working on Piktochart.

As was mentioned in the other posts and articles I’d read, the visual element is important for the end-users to easily read and understand (I LOVED Schrock’s section in the video about teaching students about colors and fonts– so important in more realms than just infographics) without any explanation. You should be able to see an infographic and “get it”.

I give mounds of credit to the pro users who are creating lengthy infographics. I’d love to introduce this as an end-product. Had I had this about four weeks ago, I would have suggested this as an option for the 10th graders unit on Social Justice. They’re reading Night and To Kill A Mockingbird and then researching a contemporary topic related to social justice (sex trafficking, police brutality, genocide, etc.) There are three pieces that include an annotated bibliography, paper, and class presentation. An infographic would have been a perfect addition to either the class presentation or in place of one where they do a museum walk of everyone’s infographic.